

A mammogram is an x-ray examination of the breasts, used to detect and diagnose breast diseases.

Mammography is the most effective method of detecting cancer at an early stage, before the woman or a physician can feel it.
Screening mammography is used as a preventive measure for women who have no symptoms of breast disease. A screening mammogram usually involves two views of each breast.

Diagnostic mammography involves additional views of the breast, and is used when an abnormality is found during screening, or in women who have breast complaints, such as a breast mass, nipple discharge, breast pain, or skin irritation.

Question & Answers

The breast will be flattened between the two plates of the X-ray machine for a few seconds. Usually, the female technologist takes 2 X-ray films for each breast.

After the X-rays have been taken, you will be asked to wait while the films are check, if required additional films be taken and ultrasound breast examination will be done.

✅ On the day of your examination, do not use creams, powders, perfumes or deodorant in breast area or underarms.

✅ Wear a two-piece outfit.

✅ The study usually takes 20-25 minutes.

✅ While the mammography itself causes no pain, however, due manipulation and compression of the breast being examined patient may feel some discomfort or pain.

✅ Please leave valuable items in your vehicle or with a trusted person.


Ultrasound breast screening facility is also available for women under age 40 (if prescribed by consultant).

If you are pregnant or think you might be, let your physician know, and tell the radiologist or technologist before proceeding with the examination.

If you had mammograms done earlier, please bring your previous mammograms reports and any other treatment reports so that they are available to the Radiologist to compare and interpret.